If All Else Fails, Wrap It In Lettuce

I’ve discovered something better than forks, knives, spoons, chopsticks or even fingers for eating food.  It’s lettuce!  It started one day when I wanted the mandarin orange chicken my husband was cooking, but not the rice that went with it.  I remembered how much I love PF Changs lettuce wraps, and, Ta Da!  One lettuce mummy later the problem was solved.

The next morning I wanted eggs, but was feeling hungry for veggies, too.  Well, we eat spinach greens in omelettes, so why not wrap my scrambled eggs up, I ask you?  A few snips of the scissors and our garden was minus one head of leafy lettuce, while I was one breakfast wrap richer.

And so it went.  I’m sure by now you’ve figured out where this is going…

Pizza-lettuce wraps!  I just slice the pizza into strips, and lay it in the lettuce.  Yum!  I’ve also tried spaghetti-lettuce wraps, which were quite good.  I plan to branch into desserts this weekend, as a fitting way to celebrate the happy things happening with my 13 Demon Days queries.  The world is my lettuce wrap, and I am its connoisseur.  What would you be willing to try wrapped up in a piece of lettuce?

P.S. I’ve also posted over in the Cabinet this week!

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