Merry Christmas from the Piggies and Us!

Tonight after the kids were settled in bed we moved the guinea pigs, with great stealth and ninja grace.  Er, well, we only dropped the enclosure once! lol

Now the piggies are happily settled in the kitchen, ready to run for cover when the kids discover them in the morning.  Here’s to happy surprises, and a walk in closet with a thick door!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!

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  1. Reply

    They are very very sweet looking! Hahahahaha, I just can’t get over the fact that you ACTUALLY managed to keep them secret! (yes, my head is shaking and my daughter (who is unbelievably old enough to stay up and act as Santa’s elf with stuffing stockings) is looking over my shoulder and asking the same questions, lol)

  2. Reply

    Haha thanks! I have to admit, there is a small part of me wondering if the kids’ surprise tomorrow will be total and complete…I just can’t believe they didn’t notice me hiding guinea pig droppings under the azalea bushes or strolling down the hall with lots of greens for the piggies to eat! But I guess when your mom is already eccentric you stop taking note! lol

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