Summing It All Up

What would you title your memoirs?  Assuming, of course, you had the audacity to write them, and the ego to think they’d be read.  I’ve been tagged by Greg, over on Hasty Ruminations.  The game is that you come up with a six word title to your could-be memoir, and then tag someone else, preferably five someone elses.

My title? ‘When One Name Is Not Enough’.  And yes, I’m keeping my tongue firmly in my cheek.

And I tag…

Aliette de Bodard

Pat Esden

Jim Hines

All individuals whom I don’t think will be annoyed that I’ve tagged them, and I’m curious as to how they’d present their published face in a memoir. 🙂

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  1. Reply

    Sueanne, this is delightful! Your title stands very well on its own, and it also harks back to Norm in Cheers, “Where everybody knows your name”!

  2. Reply

    Thanks, guys! You know, no one can mention Cheers without the theme song running through my head, but I didn’t make the connection ’til you pointed it out. Funny.

    Sandy, that makes me curious what your real name is… 😉

  3. Reply

    Hey, that’s perfect for you. know at least what…three of your names? I’m probably forgetting a few, well there’s the maiden name, too–heck, just listing them all could fill a novel. 🙂

  4. Reply

    Hey now, Mums the word! And give me a few more years to fill up that book.

    Unless you plan to include ugly, angry names I’ve been called? I don’t think those count as mine, seeing as they’re mostly univesal.

    PS, Since you’re aware of the title game, consider yourself tagged!

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