Writing in a New Direction

Well, first it was one thing, than it was another…I could make this a very long post,  but the bite-size point is that after much outlining and considering, I’ve decided that my Yan stories will stay within the short realm for the time being, so no novel will be forthcoming from that direction, while at the same time I feel my Keela world needs further research and development.  That leaves–

>drum roll< A new urban fantasy novel that was inspired by the farmlands and forests around our new hometown of Hillsborough.  It's called Green Silence, at least during this stage of the game, and it will be YA or possibly a bit younger.  There's magic, mystery, mayhem, and of course a world or two on the line.  I'm the first couple thousand words into it and having a ball. Sometime soon I'll figure out how to use one of those word meters and put one up so all of you can follow my progress and cheer with me over every sprint.

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