Fantastic Four

The Pros:  The characters were true individuals, with their own motivation.  The graphic portrayal of their powers worked, and the actors did a good job at looking like they really were using that ability just then.  It had some funny scenes that brought a laugh, and some witty lines.  The scene, near the end, showing the effort Susan Storm put into her containment field–a trickle of blood from her nose–was a nice touch. 

The Cons:  The whole story was highly predictable, even by movie standards, and sometimes felt like a skimming of the ‘real story’ which we didn’t get to see.  Maybe I’m wrong, and the whole comic ran like that.  I haven’t read it so I can’t say for sure.  I also felt all the characters, not just Johnny, were very immature.  I kept thinking that the rivalries and problems must have been nurtured in high school.  I think they actually met and began their triangle at MIT, but they had the petty high-school lack of perspective in their interaction.  They also seemed to grasp their powers and how to use them awfully fast.  Each had maybe one glitch per character, then it was smooth sailing.

Overall:  While I wouldn’t rate the move ‘fantastic’, it was still a fun show and had some good acting.  Worth a watch, but not up to the standard of Spiderman; it was maybe as good as the X-men movies.

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