Craft – Delirium

” . . . and now, on behalf of the KIP foundation, we’d like to announce the Grand Prize winner–Jane Sowers!”

Jane leaped from her seat and clambored up the stairs to the dias.  She turned to face the audience, her face flushed and eyes bright.

“Oh, wow–wow,” she said.  “Thanks, everybody, but especially the truly important ones like my goldfish Jack, and my cat Odie, even though they don’t get along!”  She giggled, a gulping sound only amplified by the mic.

“She’s a goddess, though.  My cat, I mean,” she went on.  “Oh, and of course I need to thank all my fans and readers, even though I don’t know you and you didn’t do any of the work, you’re still important.  My writer’s group I should thank especially-they hated it but that made me hate them and that was good ’cause I got it done, but they should be thanked.  Somebody send them a stuffed rat or chicken or something!”  She laughed again, her voice a giddy squeak. 

“And anybody else who thinks they should be thanked that I forgot should consider themselves thanked.  I decided to say that ’cause I know you’re all important,” she paused, gulping back tears, then went on in a brave blast.  “And most important, I won’t sit down without thanking my city.  I love Jacksonville!”  She pumped a fist into the air, almost taking out the emcee, then stumbled back to her seat.


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