Life After the Hacker

I planned to come up with some cute story featuring my elusive hacker, but by the time the site was up again, and I faced its homely regression, I found myself feeling less charitable toward Mr. Hacker and have cut him out of the story.

Instead, I’m going with the quick catch-up news blurb:

  • We’re having the kind of thunderstorm during which one wonders if there is some truth to tales of angry gods and temper tantrums.
  • Tonight my dh and I passed our testing on single-handed broadswords, and therefore qualify to fight with said single-handed broad swords.  Of course, we’re not yet allowed to fight with steel, and so are stuck with silly pieces of foam…but at least we can fight with them!
  • I still have no news on OSC’s bootcamp. The news is not overdue yet, it’s just long-awaited. But I’m good at being patient, so I’ll keep waiting. Patiently. Really, really patiently.
  • We’ve applied for the permits that will allow our home construction to go forward. Still haven’t decided on a contractor, but we’ve decided all we really need is a bold fellow with a bulldozer.  Who uses contractors these days?
  • I think I’m leaning towards the wimp route. In Yellowstone, that is, and will forgo the tents for the cabins.
    First unarguably wise decision I’ve made all year!
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  1. Reply

    Oh no! Your site got hacked? My husband’s site got hacked by a Turkish hacker a few months ago. He was able to restore it pretty easily though I think, so it was mostly just funny!

  2. Reply

    Yeah, it’s been a joke, but one I’m still learning to laugh over. An unpaid electric bill would have been much easier to fix!

    Thanks for the tip on the contractors. I think we’ve finally reversed our decision for the last time and decided to put the construction off for awhile. Until we change our minds and go forward with it, of course. 😛

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