Popcorn Progress and Oracles

My writing progress this past week was of the kind that doesn’t add much to the word count.   I’m technically writing chapter six, but have gone back to revise all the preceding chapters.

That’s great–the addition of crystals, cats, and glass crickets can only be a good thing!  But, the word count didn’t budge much, and I’ve got a few characters who are squabbling amongst themselves and ignoring my writerly directions.

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That’s okay, if they keep giving me trouble, I’ll just send one of them out of the room and sic a demon on the others. 🙂

While digging around for a new popcorn recipe, I came across this site with fun popcorn facts.  My favorite is the Aztec use of corn popping for its oracle powers.  Now, I haven’t double-checked the report against a more reliable source, but I wouldn’t be surprised.  Given the use of oracle bones in China, and the Greek reliance on the oracle of Delphi for close to a thousand years, why not little popping kernels jumping out of a fire?

I might have to give it a try . . . maybe I’ll ask the popcorn kernels how to make my characters do as they’re told?

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