Craft – Disappointment

Semorl swung from the back of his horse and strode through the inner courtyard of the keep.  He paused to let his eyes adjust to the darkness in the hall. 

“Master Semorl!” His aged aunt fell at his feet.  “You’ve arrived too late.  The babe is long dead, and your lady soon to join him.  All is lost.”  Her sobs rose to a wail.

Semorl stepped around her, his lips turned down in disgust.  He crossed to the stairs and with steady tread climbed them to the solar.

On entering the room his eyes took in the bevy of nurses and maids, the drawn curtains.  Doctor Leven stood by the bed.  Semorl frowned.

The head-nurse noticed him, standing in the doorway.

“Oh, isn’t it wonderful!” she said.  “Doctor Leven has performed a miracle.  The lady will live!”

Semorl raised his eyes to meet the doctors.  The doctor nodded. 

With sinking heart Semorl crossed the room to greet his wife.

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