Every Spring Has Its Showers

The Queen of Burned Fingers, that’s my new title.  But, I’m okay with that!  I’ve decided I’m also okay with Monday alarm clocks and impossible looming deadlines. Have I gone crazy?  Well, judge for yourself. It started with the blister, but since that’s not very pretty and it is thankfully quite small, I’ll give you a pic

Just For You

Whether you’re celebrating single-awareness day or just wishing those chocolates could also be good for you, here’s a couple valentines to give you a good laugh!   Hey, how do you know he’s not a prince? And here’s a sweet little manic-strawberry… Isn’t it nice to be wanted? My NinChicks would never let themselves be outdone by a

First Chicken Article Forthcoming!

This afternoon I signed the contract with Practical Homeschooling for my upcoming article “Going Beyond the Egg: What Keeping Chickens Can Do for Your Family.”  I’m pleased because this was several firsts for me.  First time negotiating a conract’s terms rather than just signing it.  First time writing on a nonfiction subject (rather than a personal essay-style article),

A blazing fire, hot chocolate, and a peaceable hour or two of…Dominion!

That’s what we’ve been up to.  Okay, sure, there was the flu fun and of course there’s chickens, schoolwork, and work work.  But lately whenever we have an hour free we pull out the games.  It’s awesome to have kids old enough to play the ‘grown up’ games, but we’ve got favorites for all ages and