Becoming a Philosopher

What does it mean when we say we’re philosophical about something?  Usually it’s applied to situations in which the persons emotional equilibrium is not easily disturbed.  Sometimes we apply it to surprising developments of a positive nature, such as when someone inherits a great deal of money, or gets a fat book contract, but seems to view

Fall Coloring My Writing

We’re just beginning to see some foliage change, and that combined with the beautiful and crisp weather is making it difficult for anyone so unfortunate as to be stuck inside.  I’m getting out some, but never enough, so I’m lucky that my novel begins in the fall, with Halloween preparations.  This way I can live

Chilling Delight

We have a new fridge!  It’s been a very long wait–I could go back and count the days, but since that would only make me angry, I won’t–but at last it has arrived.  Given how crippled my cooking has been, I’m half tempted to to buy a small back-up, just in case this one ever

Tips for Writing…and Life?

I tried to leave a comment on James’ blog, but since I lack the Belonger of Google password and such, I’ll have to link it instead.  His post was about how to make characters more interesting, and how to choose what defines that character.  As he puts it, the character becomes much more interesting to the


And flipping cartwheels–that too.  Becca’s got a contract on her book, Hush, Hush!  After going to auction, no less.  I’m beside myself thrilled for her, and feel highly privileged to have seen it in the premie stages.  It’s also very encouraging, since I know Becca put lots of love, sweat and tears into rewrites and

Cats and Cameos

We adopted two cats, just past kitten age, that have since taken over the barn and property.  The grey-striped and well-dressed fellow below is Shadow, And this lovely orange lady is Apricot.   With just a bit of persuasion they’ve agreed to put in cameo appearances in my books, so long as the reference is clearly

That Homey Scent

Still working on Green Silence, and it’s coming along nicely–if you count “in reverse” a progressive direction.  I realized after a chapter or two that the story needed a stronger beginning on which to stand.  In the course of working out that beginning, I decided to throw in a twist or two because I’m easily

Best and Worst Divided by Foldable Green

I’ve never actually watched the Emmy’s–nor the Oscar’s, for that matter–but I find it amusing to sometimes click over the red carpet pics and the lists of best and worst dressed.  I find it entertaining because the division between these two lists has always seemed a bit arbitrary. Look for yourself, and see what I mean. Heading the best

Welcoming New-moe and Kin

We’ve made two additions to our reef tank.  One of them, sadly, is a replacement Lawn Mower Blenny.  The old one, Moe, did not survive the somewhat erratic care of those watching our tank while we were away out west for WorldCon and my graduation.  So in a cold turn of the phrase, we have dubbed the