Changes Underfoot

I’ve got change on my mind, for reasons I’ll get into in a minute.  And I’ve noticed that when I think about big changes what usually comes to mind is the weather–stuff like storms blowing in, bringing a temperature drop and maybe snow or hail.  Remember the ice storm we had in March, and my pic

Attack of the Pair-a-noids

I’m still running a bit behind after my trip to the dentist yesterday afternoon, in which I picked up a crown for my broken tooth.  Because I’ve heard crowns are quite comforting when a tooth is broken. 😉 But I always have time for a little paranoia, right?  And that’s what this week’s prompt is

Raising a Storm

It’s often said that raising bright, inquisitive kids comes with its own challenges.  After all, the quicker their minds, the faster they out think their tired parents–and any rules you set, right?  How much harder would it be, then, to raise kids with powers and abilities beyond the norm?  Rather challenging, I suspect.  Since I’m