The Story of the New Chicks

Once upon a time a family looked around the coop and realized their chickens were a bit boring.  They wanted to liven things up.  They talked with the chickens, and asked if they’d be willing to lay some colored eggs, like Easter Egg layers.  The chickens said no.  They only knew how to make brown eggs.  So the family asked how the chickens would feel about dying their feathers, and the chickens liked that idea but were worried that the hawks would notice them and eat them.  The family said that was a good point, and got out their hairspray and hair gel.  They were going to give the chickens a new style.  But, the gel got in the way of the chickens sand-bathing, and the hairspray stuck their wings shut.  So the chickens put their heads together, and came up with a plan.  They suggested that the family might be interested in their cousins, who had naturally poofy hair and liked to wear it in rocker styles.  The chickens suggested the family bring a few of these Silkie chicks home, and leave the boring chickens to the dust baths and their brown eggs.  The family agreed, and soon four little Silkie chicks came to stay.

The new chicks are:





And we are so happy they’ve come to be our new little moppet-heads!  Now we just need to get us a few of those Easter Egg layers, and we’ll be all set.

For now.

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  1. Erica Christensen


    Raven is star with that profile. Magpie does lead strings, Buffy’s on the drums and Storm is your keyboardist.

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