Submission Milestone

I sent out two more stories today, and noted that this brings my total active submssions up to ten.  Not an earth-shattering record, but a new high for me.  Now if only I could get the other twenty or so stories waiting on my hard drive out the door before these start coming in!

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  1. Reply

    I am constantly amazed at people that have 30 stories. You guys must write so quickly! I don’t think I’ve written that make stories–period!

    How do you do it? I write about 200 words a day (average. Sometimes more, sometimes less), so that’s like 4000 words a month. So a little under one story. That’s not including edits.

    I’ve been writing for two years, so that’s like 20 stories (including ones I’ve abandoned). My total number of stories in submission: 1. A crappy 1. With like 3 almost ready to go out the door. Given, I’ve had a good year with acceptances so far, but that’s still pathetic.

    So, after that HUGE rant… how fast do you write?

  2. Reply

    I think my typical is about 500 wds/hr, but how many hours a day I can write varies. I am in school pretty much full-time at this point, and my five-year-old is home a lunch time, sooo. The writing time varies.

    Keep in mind a couple things:
    1 – I haven’t been published in the spec fic field yet, so maybe I’m just spinning my wheels. 😉
    2 – I have been writing seriously in one form or another (a bit published) for 10-15 years now, and I think I’ve written faster over the years.
    and lastly,
    3 – Some of those pieces are flash/short shorts, which comes off the hard drive much faster than your length of 4,000 words.

    But mostly, don’t sweat it.

    Sage advice, eh?

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