To Guinea or Not To Guinea

Or, rather, to ADD guineas, that is the real question!  I want some–lovely little tick eaters running around keeping my yard free of pests.  But, do I want to deal with raising the keets (babies) just now?  I’m thinking yes.  We’ve got a ‘room’ in the barn that’s baby-proofed and has a brooder light so I wouldn’t have to keep them inside.  The kids aren’t too busy with school yet, so they could help.  And our single surviving adult guinea is really desperate for some company that isn’t chicken-faced.  Plus, they’re super cute!

On the other hand, no one I know personally has had much luck raising guineas.  I think the success ratio has been something like one in five or less.  That’s mostly cause the little buggers are really wild and tend to escape before they’re old enough to be out.  And, it’s kind of annoying to have an adorable little ball of fluff that hates the sight of you, even when you’ve been patient and hand fed it from day one.  But, that’s guineas for you.  Definitely not so domestic as chickens or other birds.  What do you think?  Jump in and hope for the best, or hold off for now?

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  1. Pat Esden


    I hear they’re good earthquake predictors, so I vote that you should go for it!

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