Our Dazzling and Amazing 100% Recycled Compost Bin

I’m going to be trying something new on the blog–sharing projects we do around our little farm and garden.  Let me know if you like it, or if you’re bored to tears.  Preferably in the comments section, though I suppose lobbing a rotten pumpkin my way will also get the message across!

This latest project I’m particularly proud of, since we didn’t buy a thing to make it.  Kind of appropriate for a compost bin, don’t you think?  We started with a section of wire fencing that we no longer needed, a leftover garden stake, and empty bags of layer pellets.

Mmm, layer pellets.  The chickens have convinced our cats that layer pellets are the yummiest thing around, and are working on convincing us.  When they’ve finished their campaign, they plan to feed us and the cats their layer pellets and dine exclusively on cat food and table scraps.

But, I digress.  The empty bags were slit open, then used to line the wire fencing so our precious chicken poop won’t fall out.  I cut notches in the top and stapled the bags to themselves, to keep them in place.

When it was finished, we filled the bottom inch or two with leaves and closed the ‘door’.

Now it’s ready for–

Okay, maybe not the chicken, but that essential ingredient to compost she’s kind enough to supply–her poop!  Our thanks to Ember, shown above.  She’s a lovely little bantam Cochin who’s a great layer, has a sweet disposition, and is always happy to do her part in helping our vegetables grow!

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  1. Diane Puckett


    Nicely done, clever. How do you turn it? Our compost “bin” is a two sectioned wired and staked thingy. (really clever with words, I dare write to a writer?). It is best enriched by Sandy , our bunny. I have to turn it with a giant fork, kinda like a pitchfork.

  2. Reply

    The door can open all the way or part way, depending on how many wire twisties I remove, so I can do a bit of mixing and turning. But, really, this will be cold composting at a pretty slow rate, without much turning. I’m okay with that because we’re filling it up fast. Our chicken coop has a sand floor and we scoop their poop at least once a week, so we get plenty of ‘enrichment’ and will make additional compost bins over the next couple weeks.

    As for writing a writer…if you knew how hungry most writers (myself included) are for comments on their blog, you would never worry about being ‘writerly’ enough! Thanks for stopping by!

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