Happy May Day!

The roses are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and we topped out at 90 degrees today.  Sounds like a good time to curl up for a nap, right?

Well, you might want to hold on to your tail!  I think we’re officialy flown past spring and are hurtling toward summer at about, oh, 90 miles an hour!  And that seems the general pace of life, around here.  I’m working on scrubbing up an old manuscript.  It’s a ein]rux suspense novel*.  Since this is always a tryng process, I appreciate Laura’s timely post on the cabinet, and I’m working to strike the right balance between cutting and keeping!

What happened to The Mysterious Chicken Novel, you ask?  Well, it’s still in the works.  I got stuck on chapter five because the plot as I’ve outlined it felt off, and I’m taking my time working out the kinks.  However, I’m pretty good at juggling projects and know I can’t push 3×5 plot cards around forever, so I’m sure you’ll see an update to the word count sometime this year. 😛

In other news, our silkie chicks have survived their first big scare.  They contracted a nasty disease call coccidiosis, and gave us concern for a day or two.  Thankfully they’ve all fully recovered, and have inspired us to rearrange how we run the outside brooders.  Now all the chicks will be up on wire and away from any possible contact with the adults until they’re ‘of age’ and have a little more fiesty immune systems.  We’re grateful that these were super healthy chicks and we didn’t lose any!

Lastly, our younger splash silkies are growing in nicely.  They’re getting so big, I can just barely tell them apart from their older sister.  Here’s Tempest, strutting her stuff and striking a pose.

She gorgeous, but she does live up to her name!  In fact, if you have any freak weather or severe storms–as we are–you might want to offer her some treats because you’ve clearly offended her. 😉

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  1. Reply

    You’re right on both counts, but I think Tempest may want to rethink her PR! We just got hit by hailstones that really were golf-ball sized!

  2. Reply

    Yeah, and just this afternoon we took the covers off the peppers, so we were out there running around putting chickens up and re-covering the peppers! lol

  3. Reply

    I was so busy dealing with the storm, I forgot to post the code for what the heck I meant by a ‘ein]rux’ suspense novel. You’ll find what that means if you replace each character with the letter to the right on your keyboard. 😉

  4. Svetlana


    Oh, I hope they are well (all your pretty animals), hate giant hail storms.

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