I have an agent!

Okay, first the story ’cause why would I hook you in with fantastic news like that and not string you along for a little while?  After all, you want to experience some of my anticipation with me, don’t you? lol  Months ago, I participated in the awesome WriteOnCon pitchfest–and discovered all kinds of great ways to improve my query for NinChicks as a result of the forum discussion.  At the end, I was pleased to land two partials as a result of my pitch.  Having people show interest and say nice stuff about my book is always exciting and fun!

However, I’d done a no-no and started a rewrite during the pitchfest…so my agents had to be patient in my delivering the requested pages.

Remember that, it’s going to come up again.

After finally turning in the partial I was of course thrilled when I also got to send off two fulls.  One of the agencies requested the full in order to give me a critique (my prize for having a winning pitch) but didn’t seem too interested in the book beyond the critique.  I pinned all my hopes on the second agent, then, and diligently checked my emails a half dozen times a day.

Remember that, too.

A couple months passed, and I percolated some new story ideas and contemplated a rewrite.  I didn’t send out other queries (like I usually do) ’cause I wanted to give this agent a real shot at the book and not rush things this time.  I really felt she might be ‘the one’ and was worth waiting for.  Then the agent I was pining for let me know that her assistant loved it and she’d be reading soon.  This was super exciting, but I’ve been there before so I allowed myself to check emails industriously but otherwise didn’t lose my cool.  I knew it was still a long shot, ’cause it’s always a long shot.

Then Monday night my hoped-for and fabulous agent Christa Heschke, of McIntosh and Otis, emailed me to say she loved NinChicks–and even better, she’d like to talk about some notes she had and discuss an offer for representation!

Only, I didn’t get her email.  I spent Monday stuck in an airport for six hours, then another airport for another hour plus, and finally riding in a shuttle for two hours (on top of actual flying time, mind) before reaching my destination way up in the Colorado Rockies.  I checked my emails once, but not late enough to catch Christa’s email.  And on Tuesday, I was busy hanging with family and exploring the place and often didn’t have great cell reception or internet access.  But, I did check my emails…just the other account!  I was pulled away for an acitivity before opening up my writing email and never got back to it.

So much for diligently checking email, eh?

Finally, Wednesday morning I suggested my hubby check that email account for me while I got the fam ready for the day.  I’m sure you can imagaine his face when he called me over to the laptop and said there was something I needed to see.  And the whole building probably heard my response when I saw Christa’s email!  All I could do, at first, was pace in a small circle in the hotel room saying ‘ohmygosh.  ohmygosh’ in a total state of shock. 😀

Luckily, I got past that.  Pretty sure Christa doesn’t want a client which sounds like a broken record and only goes in circles!  Through the rest of the day we exchanged emails, I looked over her notes (and can I just say how wonderful it is to have notes from my agent!) and we chatted on the phone.  She is super fabulous, easy to talk to, and exactly who I’d want to have representing me in every way!

But remember how I pointed out that Christa had to be patient about my pages?  Also that she had to be patient for a day or two when she offered?  Writers sometimes feel we have the monopoly on the hyper-endurance of all things relating to long-suffering patience, but as you can see we aren’t the only ones who have to get good at waiting.  However, I’m one hundred percent positive that it’s worth it!

Share, share away:


  1. Reply

    Thanks, Jenny! That SCBWI critique was really a huge boost to me while I practiced patience on the agent front!

    Tricia, don’t worry, I’ll remember you when I need someone to buy my books! lol

    Thanks, Pat, and thanks for all the help figuring out what I should chat with Christa about!

  2. Reply

    Thank you all sooo much! We are home now, and I’m grateful to see that my getting an agent wasn’t just a rocky mountain high but a reality here in NC, too! lol

  3. Reply

    Congrats!!! Welcome to the family! I absolutely love Christa, and I’m sure you will, too! Excited to learn more about your work 🙂

  4. Reply

    Thanks! Moira, maybe this will help me get back up to an NYC conference and we can finally have our promised lunch/dinner!

    Jamie, congrats to you, too, and the very best of luck with your submissions!

  5. Reply

    Hi! Welcome to the fold! 🙂 Christa is brimming with great advice and wonderful revision notes! I’ll go find you on Facebook and say hello! Congratulations!

  6. Erica Christensen


    You already know how ecstatic I am for you, but I have to add my congrats to the others!! Still dancing! In circles, but not in shock :).

  7. Reply

    Thanks, Rachel! I’ve already been super impressed with what Christa’s helped me see in my novel!

    Erica, we’ll keep dancing til you get your agent, then soar off to the moon in a dizzy dive! lol

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