Geography for Fiction Writers

Everywhere I look there are writing classes offered . . . where’s the one in geography?  In my world creation I try to ‘grow’ a people as naturally as possible, paying careful attention to what their language illustrates about them and allowing for the influence that the terrain would have upon them.

For intsance, it is highly unlikely that a people of a sprawling and fertile grassland would raise only mountian goats, and it is less likely still that a tree abiding people in the great swamps would raise fine horses.  Of course new arrivals to an area will bring the manners and mindset previously held, but their new home is bound to make some impression.

My difficulty is that while I have a passing knowledge of geography, I don’t know the finer points.  Such as, what would cause the inbound ocean currents to pass by land A and consistently drop moisture on land B instead?  I can make guesses and fake it, but I’d prefer to know.

Maybe I can squeeze a geography class into my degree pursuit . . . or maybe I can just buy a text/reference book.  But either way, if anybody ever offers a Geography for Fiction Writers class, I’m signing up.

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  1. SMD


    That would be a most interesting class. One that focused somewhat on the geography side of world building. I ran into a problem like this while writing some aspects of my blog novel. I had this huge city/castle, and realize that while it wasn’t mentioned how many lived in this place, there was a substantial amount of people living there. It’s more or less a walled city. So I had to think how these people would survive considering that they lived in a wide valley. I figured extensive farmland and grazing animals would work, and hopefully I am right. I’m going off what I know about Sacramento, which is near where I live.

    Needless to say, interesting take and I would like to see a class like that. I would love to see more classes designed towards fantasy and fiction writers too…

  2. Reply

    Yes, I was thinking this king of thing could be offered at a con. I’m sure it would be well-attended, but they might have a difficult time finding people to panel/teach it.

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