I’ve been Pig-napped

Ever wondered how famous old-time authors got so much written, despite having no computer?  Ever wanted to boost your own productivity?  I recommend pig-napping, aka, being held hostage by the pigs.

Pig on the deck

Over the last week as they honed their ability to escape (and we attempted more desperate means of keeping them in) I’ve discovered two things:

  • First, that I’ve never quite gotten over my fear of pigs.  It’s still there, a squirmy discomfort that I can thank my practical joking older cousins for, and a four-year-old brain that didn’t understand Grandpa’s sow was in the pen until almost too late.
  • Second, that this squirmy discomfort of knowing the pigs are out there translates into an increased focus on my new WIP, The Popcorn Potion.  Yay me!  Kind of amusing that Popcorn is also a fractured fairy tale with a modern Pandora…do you think she let pigs escape, along with war, pestilence and greed?

Seriously, all my writing friends should try this.  Anyone else who wants to boost their focus, too.  And if you don’t have pigs, don’t worry, I’d be happy to loan you mine!  I’m such a good friend that way. 😉

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