Top Plusses of Geeky Guys

Here’s a funny list I couldn’t resist posting, Why Geeks and Nerds are Worth it . . ., which I linked to through John Scalzi’s blog. 

A few favorites would be:

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are… plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

10.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light.

11.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that ass up here and let me get some grub on…” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code… a geek can dream).

Having dated my share of guys (many years ago) of both varieties I would say she was probably a bit stinting in her praise of the Nice Nerd from down the street guy.  But then, I’ve been blissfully married to my own tech guru for 10+ years now, so maybe I’m just an itsy-bit biased.

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  1. SMD


    Apparently the girls around here haven’t heard this fabulous news. Then again, I’m not a ‘geek’ in the typical sense of the word. I’m sort of a semi-geek that treats women respectfully…hrmm. I agree with many of her points though, but I think she picks up a few too many cliches. I’ve known people that you could call geeks that neither code nor play an online or pen & paper RPG…well and none of my true geek friends have been surprised by the presence of a woman. But that might be because they wouldn’t know what to do in the first place :P. I sure didn’t. I just made stuff up. Apparently it worked once 😛

  2. Reply

    Yes, she definately pulled in a few clites, both for and against. But I think she hit more often than she missed.

    I’m glad it got you thinking on happy memories. 😉

  3. ric


    reads like a “how I met my wife” book that I’ve yet to write. Geek, proud, and happily hooked up with someone who doesn’t mind the Mt Dew cans… 🙂

  4. Reply

    Fabulous–I’ll look forward to the book. Will you put a giant Mt. Dew on the cover? Maybe with cheeto arms?

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