Are We Done with the Oscars Yet?

Am I the only one who doesn’t care a twit about the Oscars?  I’ve never watched them yet, and don’t plan to unless someone I know personally is nominated–so I’m pretty safe.  And while I did have an interest in movies/actors who won awards during the years that the LOTR movies were in the running, I’m generally full to the gagging point of oscar hype by the time the big day roles around.

So, can we be done yet?  Must we now re-hash all the who-said-that and how-poor-is-her-taste, ad nauseum?

I know, I know, I’m out of step.  Everybody else is having fun, and after all, isn’t this the chick-ish answer to Superbowl Sunday?  But the thing is, I don’t watch the Superbowl, either.  I could go blissfully on my way, unaware of when either event took place, if only I could stay offline for, oh, about two months prior and one month after.

Ah, well.  It’ll be over soon.  In the meantime, maybe I can draw some comfort from the fact that while many would say my anti-oscar position is in poor taste, at least I have better sense than to drool over pictures of men and women who dress like monkeys turned loose in a thrift store.

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