If you’re a regular of the blog (I know there’s at least one or two of you!) I’m sure you noticed that last Friday we didn’t get a Funny Faceoff…and we won’t be having anymore. As it happened, last week I read a post by the fabulous Roni Loren, who dealt with a copyright suit after sharing a pic on her blog in the same way that many of us do. This made me realize that I could be treading on thin ice and I’ve decided to get back on safer ground.
So, bummer for the demise of funny jokes, but hooray for a new opportunity! Because, the truth is, I was wondering about changing it up, anyway. I’ve always wanted to host some kind of blog hop, because they seem lots of fun, and a combination of the best that the internet has to offer.  But, what to host? Something Friday, something fun…and preferably something that stretches my writing muscles in directions big projects often don’t. Then it hit me–
Just like lightning. Flash fiction!
So I am hereby announcing that I’ll host a roundup of everybody’s flash fiction every Friday, with a linky to the posts. You can find the work-in-progress page where the linky will go and few FAQs here. Post any general blog hop comments or questions there, so the answers will be easy for everyone to find. And feel free to spread the word! The more, the merrier. Over the next week, I’ll create a button for participants to use and get the linky downloaded, along with all the topics or subjects for the next few weeks. Expect to see it all give live by next Friday, November 1st.
But here’s a preview of what my posts will be like, or at least could be like. I gvie myself freedom to play and get creative. ;) I picked for my subject the common onion.
What is an onion to you? Maybe something fried in rings and eaten to the tune of bluegrass?
Or served alongside chicken and veggies in a delicious curry dish?
Here’s my flash piece on the onion, curtesy of Flash Friday:
Ode to the Onion:
Slippery like a seal, dry and crinkly skin, each layer peels back to reveal a story told in tiny lines like veins or trails on a map. You are perfect and round with a heart at your core, but you’ll heal me from the inside so I’ll eat you tonight. I cut deep, slicing down, and a great white tear forms just beneath your skin. Are you crying for me?
A little more poetic than is my usual style, but that’s the fun of flash pieces–whatever comes out, works! What have you got? Link or comment below and I’ll follow you back!
Suzanne Warr
Merita King
Ginger Churchill
Ginger McGregor Churchill
Suzanne Warr
Pat Esden
Erica Christensen
Suzanne Warr