Flash Friday: Who Needs an Ark?

Today’s prompt of someone all fired up and excited was pretty appropriate, given how my week is going.  Of course, my Christmas tree is still up with a few pathetic ornaments clinging, and today was the first day we’ve seen the sink all week, but to counterweigh all that, my NinChicks revisions are almost done!  I’m also super excited for the rewrite I’ll be doing on Popcorn later this month, and to top it all off, tomorrow I’ll get to hang with awesome writing friends while guest paneling at Illogicon.  See?  All kinds of good stuff to hide that ugly tree behind.

This girl’s having a big day, too, and has her nerves well under control, as you can see. 😉

I stood in front of the mirror and clenched my jittery hands to my sides.  I needed to figure out which shape I should use for tonight’s ceremony, but my brain buzzed with too many ideas to contain.  Whenever I thought I’d settled on a good shape, I’d jump to the next before my body could fully change.

Penguin? No—much too silly.  Something ferocious would be better, something to impress the counsel.  My face had started to settle into a cheery penguin face and my arms had softened into blunt black wings.  Now the face grew whiskers and cat eyes, the wings banded with orange and black tiger strips.

Wait—I shouldn’t be a tiger.  Sarin said the counsel didn’t like a candidate to show aggression.

A peacock, then?  Too showy.  They’d think I was beyond arrogant.  Something normal, like a cat or dog.  My peacock’s tail turned into a fan of cat’s tails, and a dog’s pointy ears popped up on my head.  Common animals might seem boring, though, like I don’t have any originality.

“Reeta?” Mom calls.  “Time to go.  Are you ready?”

“Just a minute!”  My mind flashes through animal forms.  Owl, zebra, chimpanzee, whale?

“Reeta?”  Mom opens my door, and gasps.

I turn to face her, a kaleidoscope of animal parts and colors, complete with whale flubber fins.  “I’m ready,” I tell her.  “I’m just not…settled yet.  Okay?  But I’m ready.”

I think being a shapeshifter would have to be pretty awesome.  I think I’d become a cat, first.  Unless I decided on a falcon, or maybe an owl–cause I could finally sleep when I want to!  If you could be any animal, just for a day, what would you pick?

Uil (4678917817) (2)

Image By Maarten Visser from Capelle aan den IJssel, Nederland (Uil Uploaded by russavia) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons


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  1. Reply

    Ha ha ha! The poor girl! I hope she settles quickly :). Me, I’ll take an owl. Soft feathers and silent flight… and pellets. Urp.

  2. Reply

    And good luck on your worldbuilding panel, the convention looks marvelous! Have fun and bring me notes ;).

  3. Reply

    We can be owl sisters, and sit in an elm tree! But no eating chickens. 😉

    Thanks for the luck, I’m looking forward to it (and the kids in gaming, too) but of course have a million things to do, first! So, here’s hoping the universe cooperates!

  4. Ginger


    Love it, Suzanne. I’d like to see the whole story here! I haven’t done my novel writing yet, so I’m not sure I’ll do a flash today…it’s my reward for a good writing week, meaning, writing at least 2 hours every day. I’ll start my two hours now. And have a great Illogicon and enjoy paneling. Wish I could peek in!

  5. Reply

    Wish you could come, too! Wouldn’t we have fun? Someday we’re all going to be at the same con together, and then the world had better watch out! lol

    Good luck with your two hours, and bravo sticking to your goals! I’ll cross my fingers we see a flash piece from you, anyway, and no worries if it’s not up on Friday. 😀

  6. Reply

    Lately, I would say a cat. Because cats get to sleep all day long, and I haven’t been able to sleep lately! But if sleep weren’t an issue, I think I would be a dolphin. They just look so happy all the time, they are killer swimmers and acrobats, and they are very intelligent.

  7. Reply

    Those would both be awesome! Great choices. This is going to sound ridiculous…but I’ve always been afraid that I as a dolphin would get seasick. Silly, no?

  8. Reply

    I have been likened to a badger, a polar bear, and a baby swan, i.e., the ugly duckling. I think I would want to be a bird of prey, to fly fast, and high in the sky, to see far and wide, and fly close to the warmth of the sun, and have always before me, the big perspective, but still see the dinner mouse too. And be indifferent to the fact that I sit by myself on my own pole, watching traffic, and other flocks of birds, dip and dive as one big swath of feathers and chirps. But then, I like chickadees too, their voices are always a delight, they show up cheerfully in the worst conditions of snow, sleet and hail, and they hop, and chatter, and fluff, chickadee, dee, dee, or simply a sparrow, who is never, ever forgotten by her maker, no matter how brown, how average and every day she may seem and who can be found almost everywhere going about her appointed business of finding the best crumbs, the best morsels, and having a delightful surprise in experiencing sharing humans.

  9. Reply

    Those are all pretty good things to be compared to! It’s fun to imagine taking the form of an animal, but I do think birds have a special appeal. We’ve all got a little of Icarus in us somewhere! lol

  10. Reply

    Don’t you just love seeing them fly? We get to see a lot of beautiful big birds in flight when we go to the beach each year, and it takes my breath away every time!

  11. Reply

    Yes, I love seeing them. It was particularly unusual, at this time of the year, and a surprise to see it. I love the way they tuck their legs while flying. Sometimes, in April/May, we can see pelicans flying their route. But right now, its the time for the birds of prey, Balde Eagles, Red Tailed Hawks, Golden Eagles, and even American Kestrels. They are here from November through February, and then fly on.

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