Coming Out Cracked

Today’s flash story is in honor of our adorable little chick which hatched this week, and his buddies who are heading in to hatch.  But, since spring is also the season of emerging ticks, huge muddy messes, and waaay too much pollen, this piece has a little twist.  ‘Cause life may be sweet but it’s rarely sappy. 😉

Allie stood on her tip toes and pointed her flashlight inside the incubator.  The eggs rolled as she bumped their big white box, and the light shone on their beautiful rounded shells.  Some were brown with darker spots, others were cream like white frosting, and one pretty egg in the corner–Allie’s favorite–was a lovely blue color.  Sky blue–exactly the shade Allie liked best!

Momma came up behind Allie, and gave her a little boost so she could see easier.  “Okay, Allie, tell the eggs good night.  It’s time for bed–really time, now.”

Allie blew each egg a kiss, but made sure the blue egg got two.  While Momma led her upstairs she bubbled over with questions.  “Which egg will hatch first?  What color will it be?  Will they hatch tonight, Momma?  I hope the chick is yellow.  No, white.  No, blue.  Can I have a rainbow chick, Momma?”

Momma smiled, and shook her head.  “Let’s just hope we get chicks to hatch, then worry about the color.”  She helped Allie get ready for bed, then tucked her in and made little pretend chick sounds back when Allie said goodnight the way a baby chick does.

After Momma left, Allie lay awake for a long time.  She was going to listen for any peeping, so she’d know if the chicks hatched during the night.  Momma said it was time, but Allie had waited so long she didn’t want to risk missing any of it.  She held her flashlight tight, so she’d be ready.  She was still sleepily wondering how a chick would feel, and thinking that she’d better feed it vitamins to help it grow, when Momma shook her awake and it was morning.  She’d slept all night!

“Come on, Allie!” Momma said.  “I hear peeping!”

That’s when Allie heard it, too.

She raced down the stairs so fast her socks slid all the way off her feet, and ran through the kitchen.  She bumped the table as she ran by, but she didn’t slow down and she didn’t lose her grip on her flashlight.

Standing on tiptoes, Allie pointed her flashlight inside the incubator, straight at the cutest little fluffy ball of pale yellow chick she’d ever seen!

“Oh, isn’t he adorable?” Momma asked, coming up beside Allie.  She gave Allie a boost so she could see better, and they both smiled at their brand new chick.  He was beautiful–just like the pictures.  Allie said so, and Momma agreed.

“We should name him Picture Perfect,” Momma said.  “And call him Peepeep, for short.”

Allie gasped, and two big tears gathered in her eyes.

“We can give him a different name,” Momma said in a rush.  “You don’t need to cry, Sweetie!”

“No, Momma, look!” Allie said, and pointed her flashlight into the corner of the incubator.  Big sobs rose up in her chest, but she managed to get the words out.  “That naughty chick broke the pretty blue egg in half!”

There you have it–spring, with a twist. 😀  If you need help driving winter away, you can join in the Flash Friday blog hop that’s all about spring today!


Tell me, what does spring mean to you?

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  1. Elm


    Oh, that’s so funny! And so cute! It’s finally warming up, isn’t it? So glad for spring, and I love every peek–and peep–of your chicks I can get. 🙂

  2. Reply

    Glad you enjoy them! I’m determined not to let them over-run the place…but we both know that’s a losing battle, don’t we? lol

    Happy Spring!

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