What would you do with an Eighth Day?

The Eighth Day has a fascinating concept–there are people, called Transitioners, who get an extra day each week between our regular Wednesday and Thursday.  If that weren’t cool enough, these people are descended from King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table!

The Eighth Day cover

Of course the possibilities of what folks would do with an eighth day are endless, but in this world they’re somewhat limited by the fact that modern technology, including electricity if it’s hooked up to the grid, generally doesn’t work.  To balance that out, there are plenty of other ways to get into trouble, since there are both really cool functioning helicopters and machines of war available, which use pre-computer-chips technology and thereby function fine, and also an entire race of imprisoned spell-casters.  Add to that a flubbed bank robbery, flaming hamburgers, and a huge showdown on top the Aztec pyramids in Mexico, and you have a seriously cool book.

I won’t say more, as I was reading from an ARC so I know most people haven’t read The Eighth Day yet and I don’t want to spoil it.  But in addition to all of the above, author Dianne Salerni has created a small cast of teen characters that are memorable and relatable while being fresh and unexpected.  Bravo to Dianne on a great new book, and I hope she’s hurrying with the sequel!

Now, let’s see what Apricot-kitty has to say:

Cat in flower pot“It should be quite obvious what I would do with an eighth day–the same thing that any sensible creature would do.  Sleep!  And preferably on the lap of Evangeline Emrys.  If she’s never seen or touched a cat, but always wanted to, I’ll bet she’d let me stay as long as I wanted without any hurry.  Unlike certain people who shan’t be named, which are always rushing off just when I get my purr really rumbling.

Yes…a nice leisurely nap is the only thing worthy of an entirely new magical day.  But why wait?  There’s really no day that isn’t a perfect napping day, so I’ll see you when I wake up!”

You know…she may have a point there!  Call me boring, but I do think an Eighth Day wouldn’t be complete without a little snoozing time.  Plus a book. 🙂  For more MMGM recommendations and spotlights, stop by Shannon’s blog, and happy reading!


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  1. Reply

    You know, that’s an interesting note on the cover ’cause I didn’t feel as drawn in by it as some. I wonder why that is? But I’m happy to hear you’re adding it to your list! It’s due to release in a month so you don’t have long to wait!

  2. Reply

    I loved THE EIGHTH DAY, and I had the privilege of copyediting it. I just finished copyediting the sequel, which is just as marvelous! And that’s a gorgeous cover, too. Great review, Suzanne & Apricot Kitty!

  3. Reply

    Wow, that’s pretty cool, Claire! I am sooo tempted to ask you a question or two about the sequel…but I don’t suppose you’d answer me true, anyway. 😉 Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    Barbara, I feel super lucky that I drew out and got to read an early copy! Which copy I could offer you…except I’ve promised to let a young man in my middle school writing club borrow it. lol Happy reading when you get it, though!

  4. Reply

    All can say is Dianne did an amazing job with this one and she’ll deserve all the praise that’s about to come her way. She’s an amazing person as well as writer. YAY for her!

  5. Reply

    Ha! You know I loved this one, Suzanne. And I’m also salivating, waiting for the sequel (and a third, which Dianne’s already revising). As for what I would do with an Eighth Day: well, read, obviously. But also get in more writing time and eat more chocolate. Love Apricot kitty’s response, though. 🙂

  6. Reply

    Suzanne, Thanks so much for featuring my book here today. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it, and I’m happy that a middle school student will be getting it after you!

    And Lindsay — snort and chuckle. There are a few characters in The Eighth Day who think a crime spree is the PERFECT way to spend the day!

  7. Reply

    Sheri and Joanne–I’m glad we’re in accord on this! And if it sounds like the sequel’s too long in coming, we can start our own support group to keep us together til it shows! lol

  8. Reply

    Dianne, you should have seen his eyes get all big when I asked if he’d like to borrow it! He’s my student who loves Scifi and so usually doesn’t go for fantasy, but this is one of those cross-over books that can read well in either genre and he was very eager to get it!

  9. Reply

    Haha that’s perfect Lindsay! And really, kind of already in the book…people who only live in the Eighth Day live like ghosts in regular people’s houses. I could see you as a seriously cool and very eccentric ghost bandit!

  10. Reply

    Juli I’m guessing you don’t mean the Eighth Day story Dianne’s already written! lol So, a ghost bandit story? I bet you’d make it properly devilish, yet charming, and make us all love it in spite of ourselves. 😉

  11. Reply

    Lol she beat me to it! Sorry, I had no idea. And it’s not like I don’t have three other project going right now. But in other news, I have a new book to add to my TBT list. 🙂

  12. Reply

    Which is a very good thing, as we both know that neither the project pile nor the TBR pile can ever be tall enough! lol

    And, hey, you never know what combination of this idea and other ideas will come together one day down the road and pop out a new story that’s 100% you!

  13. Reply

    See, if I actually clicked the link I would have known. I will just be thankful I’m all drugged up right now and I can blame my idiocy on that.

  14. Reply

    You are fine, Juli! First of all, you just caught sight of a sparkly from the corner of your eye and jumped after the story idea–which is exactly how every writer should behave! And second, if you’re doped up you have double the excuse! 😀

  15. Reply

    Libraries…I love them dearly, but they can be a bit like turning a chocolate lover loose in a really fancy chocolate shop with every variety of chocolate imaginable, and warning the chocolate lover that they’ll pay a fine if they put on any pounds! lol Good luck getting your books back, and I hope it comes in quickly!

  16. Pingback: Tales from the Raven » The Inquisitor’s Mark, by Dianne Salerni for MMGM

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