My back pain has become one of the few constants in my life, aside from my family and weeds in my garden. But like a weedy garden left neglected, of late it’s gotten worse, truly getting in the way of my living life.  So I finally broke down and went to see the recommended chiropractor.
He took x-rays, prodded the sore places, and told me to come back.
Today I had the follow up, and it turns out I’m just as lopsided and skewed in the head as my brothers always said.
No worries, though. With a crick, crack, and double-pop! he had me good as new.
That is, still as dependent on ice/heat and Motrin as I was before the visit. While I nursed my sore back this afternoon I told myself again and again that this was good pain. This was progress!
We’ll see in a month or so if I’m telling the truth.