Tomatoes to the Rescue

I wish I had a picture to post with this, but we didn’t quite catch the moment…

Anyway, today at the Renaissance Festival there was a place of ‘vegetable justice’, in which a guy hung his head and hands out of holes in a board wall, as if he was in the stocks.  Then for a couple bucks you could throw squishy tomatoes at him, and he’d hurl insults at you.

So the five-year-old thought this was hilarious, and after seeing it in the morning, talked about it all day.  The guy was really funny, but jeered at such sacred little girl things as glitter, Barbie, and even the fathers of the kids who tried to get him.  He was also pretty good at ducking, and the distance quite a ways, so he didn’t often get hit and the crowd was disappointed.

Finally, at the end of the day, the five-year-old spent her last two dollars on some tomatoes to throw.  The first ones fell way short, and in his over-weening confidence he let her come closer.  So she threw extra hard–and pegged him right on the forehead.

You should have heard the crowd cheer!  It was so cute to see this slim little girl, all in pink and blue, really deck the guy.  And then his face!  I really thought the shock would be too much for him.  He couldn’t even think of any insults for all of three minutes.

Today, I am a proud mother.

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