Tis the season to shame peanuts!

I’ve decided to start speaking up–even if I have to play with death to do it.

I have a crazy severe peanut allergy which is made even more dangerous thanks to my asthma–in remission, but still there under the surface, like black ice on a deceptively clear road. These two things plus a long list of other allergies mean my peanut allergy can go from 0 to 60 without warning, where zero means I’m unaffected and 60 is me in full-blown anaphylactic shock. So, I should just avoid peanuts, right? Check ingredient lists, ask the chef at restaurants, don’t eat stuff at friends’ houses unless they’re sure it’s okay–not so bad. Except, the allergic cocktail I outlined above means I can go into shock even without any direct contact with peanuts.

NOTE this is a subject of some controversy in the allergy community, as many people maintain that airborne particles can’t present serious risk. However, in the ongoing discussion, it’s agreed as fact that trace amounts can trigger problems and systemic reactions have occurred without ingestion or known contact.

Personally, I’m waiting for research to catch up to reality, and my reality has been pretty clear that there is very real danger if I remain in proximity to peanuts. In fact, the only time I’ve had to actually use my epipen (and came alarmingly close to dying) was when I stayed in an environment where lots of peanut butter was being used and didn’t leave because I wasn’t touching it, so thought I was safe. News flash: I wasn’t.

Often this means I politely decline invitations, and whenever possible my husband accompanies me in public, as a kind of personal EMS and peanut bodyguard. I love being a part of life, so I refuse to become a total hermit. However, sometimes, like last Friday, that means a close call.
I went to see Cirque de Noel, in downtown Raleigh–and it was lovely! A delightful blend of holiday symphony music and gorgeous circus performances, with acrobats using silks to fly through the air. Truly stunning!

The catch was, outside concessionists were brought in and they sold peanut M&Ms to the audience. As the lady in the row in front of me and two seats down munched away at hers, I’m sure she had no idea my lips were turning numb, my mouth tingling, and my dread rising as I tried to decide if we should bail on a performance that had just begun, scrapping tickets that were a splurge for us, and exit the theatre.

Thankfully she put them away after a bit, and I was able to settle back and mostly relax. However, at intermission I saw her pulling them back out again and didn’t dare push my luck. The tingling was gone, but my lips were still a teeny bit numb and there was a mild sore on the roof of my mouth–the kind I get from peanut or tree nut exposure. So, I took benadryl and debated leaving. Then a lovely little Christmas miracle occurred! An usher saw me standing around looking concerned and asked if she could help. I explained the situation–mostly because I hoped someone would take note that the concession foods were poorly chosen–and she suggested my husband and I could move to an emptier section. We did that, and thanks to the cleaner air and the benadryl, I was soon truly breathing easy!

But as I watched those gorgeous performers and musicians and thought about the close call, I decided it’s time I start speaking up. I’m positive most people wouldn’t choose a peanut snack over the alternatives if they knew the danger. But peanuts enjoy such impossibly good PR that they’re many people’s first choice–even in parties, public places, and on planes.

So I’m going to start fighting back. Every time I have a peanut encounter, I’ll report it on social media with a few pics and my stats.

And since I’m not about to embarrass any poor unsuspecting bystanders, I’ll buy a sample of the offending peanut product when I do–and happily throw it in the trash! One less package of death, delivered.

If you’d like to help spread awareness and cheer on Team Suzanne, share my post to give me a boost and #shamepeanuts! And wish me luck, since I may be going back into the ring this Saturday…there’s a holiday party I’d like to attend and provide my support, but they’re having a dessert contest. And I know just what that means. XD

Until next time, thank you for reading, commenting, and abstaining from the consumption of peanuts in public places. 😀

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