Submission Blues

While watching myself and friends go through the hectic time of bringing home a newborn, I was always struck by the irony that just when a woman is most exhausted from childbirth and often at a low point physically, she must have her sleep disrupted several times a night by a baby.

You’re wondering what this has to do with submission blues, but hang on.  You see, I feel strongly that I should keep my stories out and circulating unless they’re in active revision or have been trunked.  So, as each story comes in with a newly acquired rejection letter attached, I find a new market for it and submit again.  I find it a tad ironic that at just the moment when I need most to have faith in my story I feel the most tired by the entire writing process, and the least likely to believe that this particular tale has worth.

Good thing I’ve always appreciated those little ironies of life.

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  1. Reply

    Yeah, those pick me ups are rather appropriate.

    I didn’t do as well as you this time, but I have a killer story lined up for March. I’ll see you in the slush pile. En garde!

  2. Reply

    That’s okay, weren’t you semi-finalist the quarter before? And if you’ve got a story lined up for March, you’re way ahead of me. I’m still scrambling around for an appropriate idea.

    Never one to back down from a challenge, however, I’ll start sharpening my steel. 😉

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