Rejection Flowers

When a significant rejection letter comes in, people sometimes give themselves a consolation prize.  A chocolate treat, maybe a book.  I have a friend who buys shoes.

When your house isn’t selling, you buy flowers.

In fact, I’m beginning to see a direct corrolation between the seller’s level of concern, ranging from mild to manic, and how many new plantings they’ve got outside their house.

I’m not sure where we fall on the scale.  The house has garnered a comfortable amount of interest from buyers, and we have no pressing reasons it’s gotta go right now…on the other hand, if I drop in too many more flowers out front, I’ll have to start rearanging what’s already out there.

Perhaps I’d best leave well enough alone and get back to my rejection letters.

Chocolate, anyone?

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  1. Reply

    I always had two or three frozen apple pies in the ‘fridge while we were selling a house. When someone was coming over (paricularly when it was a second visit!), I popped one in the oven, turned it on and we went to the mall while they were in the house.

    It gave them a chance to relax in the house alone, and the smell is a very, very powerful home memory! It alwaays got us an offer. Best, once when we got home, the pie was missing two pieces – and the dishes were washed!

    Good luck! It’s a tough, tough market, that’s all. -Greg

  2. Reply

    Lol, did you get an offer from the people who helped themselves? After all, they were making themselves right at home.

    Sometimes we’ve baked cookies, but usually the window of time that we need to be absent is too long to bake something…we do leave our projector on, running a cool show, and that’s been pretty popular.

    Mostly, though, we’ve just got to wait it out. Thanks for the luck!

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