I was swaying on my feet by the end of the day, so this will be shorter than it should be. Yesterday (Wednesday) we caught a couple panels after registering, and I thoroughly enjoyed the one on writing a good query letter, offered by Kristen Nelson. She was upbeat and funny while being very informative. I also recall a panel on schmoozing with John Scalzi and some equally gregarious folks. Later we attended Summerfaire, of which perhaps later there will be a photo of me in my meru/pirate costume, Keela inspired.
Today I attended a panel of big editors, and afterwards had a quick q and a with Toni, of Baen, and a slightly longer chat with the editor for Tor.com, whose name has slipped my mind. The upshot of all this was a feeling of quiet energy for my projects, both the Keela/Meru stories and my Yan/Finder ones.  Always a good thing.
I attended a couple more panels, including an interesting one on aliens, and got to say hi to Eric Reynolds. The Hadley Rille Books presentation went off very well, I thought. I also attended a panel of agents on agenting, which was entertaining and enlightening. Later I bumped into Kristen in the hall, which was cool. She’s fun, as well as professional, and has gone to the top of my list…for when that time comes.
Tomorrow will be an even longer day, and Saturday will step over the edge into crazy, so the next blog may be delayed. I’ll try to take pics, though, and get it all posted promptly. In the meantime, here’s a pic showing the younger side of fandom. A whole circle of young pros who know where the fun can be found–around a DS.