Cat Critics Weigh In

So, I finished the latest wip over the weekend.  Or, at any rate, the first draft.  I’ve kept the title, A Fool and His Money, which is unusual for me.  I also kept to the original outline, which is unprecedented.  On the other hand, it was about 3,000 words longer than planned–final word count a solid 8,000 words.  So, what do the cat critics think?  Should re-writing this story take precedence over the holiday, or should I move on to other shorts on the list?

Shadow says there’s not enough about cats, and he found it a bit of a snooze.  His vote is for more action!

Shadow On Shoulder.jpg

Apricot liked the bit about the boy seeing a cloud of mood-revealing color around each person, and would like to point out that cats have had that sort of thing down for years.  As for this story or the next, she’d like to know which route will get the laptop out of my lap sooner–that’ll be her vote.

Apricot and Laptop.jpg

They’re not a lot of help.

I’m leaning toward setting it aside.  It’s always easier for me to find time to edit than time to write from scratch on a new piece, and besides, this story’s potential is lost on me just now–I’m missing fast-paced action and plot-driven novel writing.  I can only swallow writing these character-driven shorts in small portions.

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