My Goals for 2008 were:
- Write one novel outline each month while finishing my degree (Jan-May)
- Choose top two outlines and write at least one novel during remainder of the year
- Write six full-length (non-flash) short stories
- Read a wide variety of fiction, a large percentage of it new to the field
- Read six books on writing or editing
- Continue 2007 work in blogging, critiquing, etc.
- Continue to keep all polished, non-published stories in circulation
Those were fairly ambitious, given I still had to finish 20 credits and orchestrate a move, but I did pretty good. I didn’t write all the outlines, but I did get a couple done and I did write one novel. Yay! I only wrote 3-4 full-length short stories, but I’m cool with that. I read a lot, much of it new, blogged a lot, critiqued, and by the end of the year I had all stories back out in circulation. Not too shabby.
For 2009 I’m keeping it simple:
- Re-write Shadow Dance
- Write the first Keela novel (this will include a lot of world developing)
- Write queries for both novels above, and start subbing SD
- Write four non-flash short stories
- Stay alive in the SF&F world, including my blog, LJ, FB and attendance at cons.
That’s it!
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