Alas, this morning the inevitable arrived. I hit a deer. There was really no time to brake, since it jumped straight out of the trees (where they grow closest to the road) and in front of my car.  I was probably going close to 50. The poor thing never stood a chance.
Luckily I’m okay, and the car is driveable and repairable. But I say it was inevitable because we see deer crossing, considering crossing, re-crossing, or looking cross-eyed at the road almost daily. I have actually had to slow to a stop because a deer was standing in the road, then sit there honking at him until he wandered off the road. I’ve also learned to count quickly when I slow for a cluster of deer near the road, so that I’ll know when all of them have crossed.
But this one came from nowhere, and was a total surprise. What a waste. It’s almost enough to make one wish for enough leopard skat to coat the sides of all our country roads and keep the deer from crossing. Or maybe we could just train the deer to cross at a special light, one which lured them across the road when they smelled one scent, and repelled them the rest the time. Then again, maybe we could equip our cars with infrared, so we’d have warning when the deer were getting close to the road.
I know, not terribly practical, but one does wish.
Eric James Stone