First, upon removing the bumper of our car to fix the damage done by the deer, they discovered that the car was in an accident at some time previous and was not fully repaired. Fortunately the additional repairs are not going to blow the bank–but they’re not going to be cheap, either.
Then I headed home in the rental and found that it had bad brakes.  I called back the rental car place, which I shall call ‘Pentarise’ to protect the guilty, and they informed me that I could hurry our thirty minute drive back and they might be able to put me in a pick-up.  I declined, and they offered to let me call all the car rentals around and see if one of them would be willing to swap me into one of their cars. I took a deep breath and suggested that he find me an alternate car, since he’d driven this one just before handing it over and failed to mention it had bad brakes.
Eventually they located a car…at least, I think you can call it that. It’s way too attention-grabbing for my style.
But at least it’s wheels.  I drove the twenty minutes to that Pentarise and made the car swap. Only to find that the agent planned on taking my $25.00 gas deposit because I’d used (he claimed) 3 gallons of gas in driving the bad-brake rental to the new Pentarise so I could make the exchange.
This was the point at which I almost claimed a moment of infamy. The headline would have read something like ‘Woman attacks rental car agent over 3 gallons of gas. Purse is new and terrible weapon of choice.’
Fortunately, the agent in question realized his demise was imminent and backed down. I shall now sink back into the blissful ranks of the anonymous, and enjoy a quiet evening. Be warned, though. I may make the biggest batch of cookies yet known to man.
Amy Pete