An Addition to the Zoo

Our daughter has been wanting to raise frogs for some time, and even had a habitat all in readiness, so when we were hiking at the park near our house and found a puddle full of tadpoles, we brought two home.

Tadpole 2009.jpg

That is, indeed, a very blurry tadpole.  Just now they look a lot alike, so we’re calling them One and Two.  We’re having fun incorporating them into our daughter’s science studies of life cycles, but I’m wondering if we should be studying food chains?

We have, in ascending order, two tadpoles, several fish, six chicks, two cats and a dog.  Do you see my concern?

I guess so long as the family doesn’t take up dog, the chain will be incomplete and all will be well.

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  1. Cindy


    We found tadpole (and toadpole)eggs in puddles at the Little River park last spring! We ended up deciding that the toadpoles hadn’t been fertilized because they never hatched. And something else happened to the tadpoles…can’t remember. Anyway, I think I have tadpole/frog food if you want it!

  2. Reply

    Hey, some food would be cool. We’ve been feeding them beta food and minced zucchini. 🙂

    Too bad about your eggs…unless it was actually a relief. 😉 I have heard that some varieties can take up to two years to mature!

  3. Cindy


    Darn, I forgot to give it to you! If I remember I’ll put it in a smell-proof ziploc and bring it tomorrow…

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