Elbow talk

I went looking on the net for info on my elbows today, because mine have caught my attention.  I took a large-ish patch of skin off of each when practicing my elbow hits on the dummy in the workout room.  He looked none the worse for the wear, but I’m whining every other move I make. Elbows get

Movers and shakers in the underground

Ever dreamed of having your own private escape route underground?  I did.  In my childhood fantasies the tunnels were a private escape from the prying eyes of parents and siblings.  My tunnels had all the allure of my own kingdom, and of course they were the cool kind of tunnels that never caved in, leaked, or attracted

A portait winner from Scholastic

I happened across a ‘portrait contest winner’ at Scholastic that is a pretty good tale.  The girl who wrote the winning story is reportedly thirteen, and gave it a fun little twist.  An entertaining piece, it can also serve as an admonition: Never leave your diary unsigned.

Dripping Sweat

I think I’ve found the new place I’ll be training with.  It’s a new style of martial arts for me – based off of Muay Thai – but it’s a killer work out and has concievable practical value.  Today I couldn’t decide if I should puke or pass out, but I was ready with a

My latest impossible wish

We visited the Lemur Center at Duke University this past Friday.  The primates were fascinating, and the guide was helpful.  What I found funny, though, was that the more I heard of the lengths taken to care for the lemurs, and walked around the extensive forest and enclosures, the more I wanted me very own lemur

Great Reference Blogger Pages

Getting started with HTML has a nice guide for those of us that are new to all this.  I also found problogger to be a most helpful site were I spent a lot of time.  Thanks, Darren! Richard Giles has a great article on attracting traffic to a site, and there’re some great practical tips here

Testing . . . te-esting

This is just a test.  Please remain at your computer and keep your hand away from the mouse. Don’t panic.  I’ll put up a new blog momentarily. This is a link to my new page.

Dog-ish Food

The kids and the parentals were sitting around the kitchen table, finishing a lunch of soup and hot dogs baked inside pop-biscuits.     Son “I love dogs in a blanket,”     Daughter “Yeah, we ate puppies in a blanket!” How often do you hear that in N.America?