Linked Up

See if you can find the common thread: More of the big guys still undiscovered in the ocean, but little chance of the Loch Ness turning up, or so they say. A report on ten new species, though a little long on propaganda and a little short on information about the individual species.  Eight and

Protesting the Grade

Have you ever wondered if your prof has been sitting around dusty tomes in moldy rooms for one year too many?  I had an incident like that this week. I won’t go into particulars, but as a part of the senior project I recently turned in I was supposed to write a paper on the

TGIF the 13th

Otherwise I might think I was jinxed or something.  The exam I took today should have been relatively easy, as I’ve been prepping for over a week, and I should have had it wrapped up in less than one and a half hours.  Instead, it was a bruiser, definately in the top two hardest tests

Random Reading Notes

I’ve been doing a bit of reading lately while attempting to ignore my last looming final.  Given that the final is in quantificational logic and involves proofs so long they really shouldn’t be allowed out without a license, I think my occasional dodge into a closet is understandable…but I digress. I’m not going to review the books

Rejection Flowers

When a significant rejection letter comes in, people sometimes give themselves a consolation prize.  A chocolate treat, maybe a book.  I have a friend who buys shoes. When your house isn’t selling, you buy flowers. In fact, I’m beginning to see a direct corrolation between the seller’s level of concern, ranging from mild to manic, and

Summing It All Up

What would you title your memoirs?  Assuming, of course, you had the audacity to write them, and the ego to think they’d be read.  I’ve been tagged by Greg, over on Hasty Ruminations.  The game is that you come up with a six word title to your could-be memoir, and then tag someone else, preferably

Doing the WorldCon Jig

We’re in!  The last piece of our puzzle, the hotel suite, just fell into place.  We’ve got the tickets, of course the membership/passes, and now the room.  Yahoo! We’ve been so crazy busy, and life has been so crowded, I’m not sure I believed this would work out.  Of course, we’ll still have to get