Top 10 Reasons to go to the Beach

10-You’ve missed having sand in your hotdog. 9-It’s been months since you wore painful pink. 8-You plan to build sand castles when you grow up. 7-You’ve heard that salt is a great preservative. 6-You’ve never seen a shark up close. 5-You have a book that can only be read at the beach. 4-You’re waiting for your ship to

Craft – Exotic

The baensee wavered in the slight wind, waiting and watching.  Tension rippled from one baensee to another as the sun peeked over the hill. It was time.  Would she come? The sun rose higher, blinding the baensee and bringing misty tears. Then a shadow fell across them, and once again the baensee swayed with emotion.

Inspiring Classes

I find that I draw two forms of inspiration from my classes. The first kind is usually a result of reading one of my history texts.  Since history is fascinating to me and absolutely full and over flowing with ideas about movers and shakers, cultures and people, that sort of inspiration usually results in a story idea leaping off the

Ants on the Rise

I think I’ll write a story about ants taking over the world. And where would I have gotten an idea like that? Could have been this National Geographic tidbit on Army Ants.  It could have been the study of these peaceful colonies. But, no.  I must confess that once again my inspiration came from a little closer

The Great Rejection Divide

The large-ish batch of stories I sent off some months ago are coming back in having been politely stamped with the big R.  I don’t mind too much, as I’m also looking at several publications pretty soon here, but I do feel divided. On the one hand, I have an almost compulsive horror of stories

Running Into Friends

I’ve come across the site of Alan of the Word before, I’m guessing through an online mutual friend.  Then I ran across him at sfreader and thought I should blogroll him, only to forget about it…until today, when I once again came across his site.  Each visit has been amusing and generally satisfying, so I’d say it’s time