Inspiring Classes

I find that I draw two forms of inspiration from my classes. The first kind is usually a result of reading one of my history texts.  Since history is fascinating to me and absolutely full and over flowing with ideas about movers and shakers, cultures and people, that sort of inspiration usually results in a story idea leaping off the

Ants on the Rise

I think I’ll write a story about ants taking over the world. And where would I have gotten an idea like that? Could have been this National Geographic tidbit on Army Ants.  It could have been the study of these peaceful colonies. But, no.  I must confess that once again my inspiration came from a little closer

Amazing Rain

I love rain. Glorious, thunderous, torrential, pounding, drenching rain. You must remember, I grew up out west.  In Utah, and right next door to the desert.  I can remember only a small handful of big storms from my childhood, and each was an Event.  Like watching the surf pound, or coming out on a winter

Company Out, Company Inn

The last of our company left today.  We’ve had at least one extra person in the house since the second week of June, and our total number of people bedding down reached about twenty.  Surprisingly, everyone was accomodated, there were no bloody spats over couch territory, and the left-overs do not exceed the space limitations

Fireworks Fallout

I really wanted to hold this post until I had pictures to go with it, but at this rate I think that would be Christmas. We gathered up the troupe on the Fourth (extra people in the house totalling just over 20) and went to watch fireworks at the State Fairgrounds. We got there just in time to

Free WOTF book

I like to read the Writer’s of the Future blog, and a few weeks back they had a little contest to see who could name the author (Patrick Rothfuss) of the map drawing they put up. I figured it out, and posted my answer, then forgot about it.  Recently they posted again saying they wanted to mail out

Blogging News and Turtle Stew

Since I’d promised to get up two posts a day, and have utterly failed to do that, I thought I’d throw something up to explain what’s going on.  The problem with getting up posts is tied in with the kids under foot, my mom-in-law staying with us, but most importantly, my back. The good news is that I’ve