Deep Breath

With the back-to-back trips coming up, I’ve had to remind myself to breath.  At times like this, a few stolen minutes outdoors go a long way toward restoring sanity, so we dodged over to Jordan Lake the other evening. This was the king-daddy toad, one of many to hop across our path. And this is

Random Reading Notes

I’ve been doing a bit of reading lately while attempting to ignore my last looming final.  Given that the final is in quantificational logic and involves proofs so long they really shouldn’t be allowed out without a license, I think my occasional dodge into a closet is understandable…but I digress. I’m not going to review the books

Summing It All Up

What would you title your memoirs?  Assuming, of course, you had the audacity to write them, and the ego to think they’d be read.  I’ve been tagged by Greg, over on Hasty Ruminations.  The game is that you come up with a six word title to your could-be memoir, and then tag someone else, preferably

Mona Lisa Smile

I was struck by how foreign this movie was to everything I knew as a girl, everything my life was in my ‘formative years’.  As an adult I’ve brushed up against this kind of thing–fiercely competitive polish and ‘society’–but only enough to recognize it when I saw it. Some of it is the difference in times,

NC RenFaire

Last Saturday we took the kids to the Renaissance Faire, at the State Fairgrounds. Our sweet and loving daughter liked the sword fight best, or, as she put it, “the one where they were bleeding”.  Our son was divided in loyalty between the girl who breathed fire and the jousting, in which we got to watch

Update on Links–Conventions

I’ve added a list of fantasy and sci fi conventions to my Links page.  Of course, it’s there mostly for my benefit so you’ll notice they cluster strongly in this corner of the country.  Exotic and far away locales will have to wait until I grace their honorary guest list. The most comprehensive conventions link

Happy Tax Day America

We just dropped our double-whammy checks in the mail, then came home singing George Harrison’s Tax Man song. Here’s hoping your deductables were accurate, your refund will be generous and you will never meet the tax man face to face. Happy Tax Day.

Va Tech

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people at Virginia Tech tonight, and all those caught in this storm.  We’ve had no power most the day, but feel grateful to have recieved so little.  What a Jonah day. God Bless.


I think I recieved my first candygram at age 8 or 9, but my most memorable was certainly the one my husband and I recieved when we were married.  It was filled with such darling comments as:  When the bride get CHUNKY and pops her BUTTONS you can buy her DIET food . . .