A Scabby Interview

Pat Esden has posted an interview with Ginger Churchill, so you can get all your scabby facts straight.  I’m delighted to report that my copy of the book, Carmen’s Sticky Scab, is coming soon from Amazon.  Can you guess what my five-year-old will be doing this Christmas morning?  Looking for a scab to pick!

Bovine Aspirations Debut

My story of a singing cow (and her not-so-gullible neighbor) is up on Bewildering Stories.  It’s short, funny and free–enjoy! — On a side note, I looked up the spelling of gullible on dictionary.com, and liked this explanation of its origin: “1793 (implied in gullibility), earlier cullibility (1728), probably connected to gull, a cant term for “dupe, sucker”

Robert Jordan

You’ll forgive me if I feel like a lot of people are dying of late…just my perspective, I’m sure. Robert Jordan was a wonderful author, with an incredible series populated by fascinating people.  My condolences to his wife and family, and my thanks to the folks who put together this nice tribute. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/NDncUFO50Gs” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent”