Stormy Friendship

A not in the least biographical piece.  If only because I haven’t got the power… 😉 I kicked the cloud in front of me, sending it rolling across the sky and leaving it bruised and stormy–just like I felt.  Without waiting for it to stop, I stomped through another cluster of clouds, scattering them like

Spring Break(fast)

This was almost–almost–a Flash Fraterday post, but here I am and better late than never, right?  It’s been a busy week around the blogosphere for me, with my first post going up on the Mommy Authors group blog I’m participating in.  You’ll find that here, and it’s a discussion of the symbolism of hands and

In case the Zombies come digging…

Today’s Flash Friday blog hop is sponsored by this week’s celebration of Writing Your Epitaph–which I’ll bet you’ve been thinking about all week, cause it’s such a big holiday and all.  Yes?  No?  Well, in case you find this as fascinating as I do, here’s an interesting bit of info on decoding gravestones–both their shape

The Oatmeal Storm

I must have gone to sleep last night thinking of the tornados my friends and family in St. Louis are dodging, and the hurricane season that’s just heating up.  Given the ice storms (and blizzards) we all just weathered, it can seem a bit like nature is out to get us.  And wouldn’t it be