Marvelous Middle Grade Monday: Whatever After, by Sarah Mlynowski

Once Upon A Time there was a slim little book on the shelf, with pink on the cover and a veeery girly look.

MG Whatever After Fairest of All

But, I tried it anyway–and that ended happily ever after for me!  Whatever After: Fairest of All was just as slim as it looked–not a lot of plot twists there, and we only see a small corner of the world–but really quite a bit of development within that small corner of fairy land.  Snow White’s character arc was sweet and fun to watch, the dwarves were just the right blend of familiar with quirky and unique, and I LOVED what Ms. Mlynowski did with the mirror!  Also, the kids managed to be extraordinary in a very ordinary way, and a lot of fun to spend time around.  This kind of slim, pink book is not my usual fare, but I’ll be picking up the sequel.  ‘Cause I simply must know what happens with the mirrors.  I can hear them calling…can’t you?

However, we haven’t consulted our severest critique yet, so let’s see what Miss Apricot-Kitty has to say:

Cat in box bed“Hmmm, not bad.  The mirrors are magical and witchy (which cats have always known, but humans find confusing), there are teethy animals which like stew sandwiches–something I can understand–and a girl who’s supposed to take a very long nap.  Quite possibly the most sensible book you’ve read yet!  Now, go away.  I’m going to climb into this pretty purple box and sleep until MY prince comes along!”




There you go!  Here I’ve been thinking she’d like cat books, like Warriors and Puss ‘n Boots, but maybe instead I should get her Sleeping Beauty?

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  1. Reply

    Truth–after having a (hopefully) brilliant breakthrough on Popcorn and getting up to write it down some time after 12am, then getting back to bed after 2am, I’m thinking a nap sounds nice for today!

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