I’ve been blogging for one month. Almost a month.  Okay, twenty-seven days, if we’re being exact. Â
With this illustrious track record to bolster my ego I paid a visit to my favorite blogging guru for some insights on how best to proceed from here. I thoughtfully considered banning Harry Potter and going straight for world domination, but have decided to keep my goals both more reasonable and attainable.
Here’s the To Do List:
- Spend more time at other people’s blogs. (Get out there.)
- Join in the carvivals, etc., that will put my blog where everyone else will see it. (Get out there.)
- Spend time on the administrative side with the link backs, etc. (Let people know I’m out there.)
- Make sure each post is interesting, with no “blah blah blah . . . almost done” attitude. (Give them reasons to care that I’m out there.)
Darrin at problogger, had this helpful point to make, “Whilst it may not be pleasant to acknowledge current short failings it’s vitally important as your blog will only ever go as far as your weakest area allows you to.”
That’s a very good point in the sphere of making and promoting a blog, but it’s also true of writing. If an author is good at plotting, but not willing to clean up their dialogue, the dialogue flaws will determine the level of success the writer enjoys.