WorldCon Remainder

I really should make this several nice, long, chatty blogs…but, ya know, life is moving on and I’m moving on with it.  So you’ll get the crammed, somewhat shorter version.  And my graduation report?  It’ll probably be even more crammed and tardy as well.

The rest of WorldCon was great, though a bit blurred.  We met up with Laura, a writing friend, and Katie, one of her wise readers, for lunch and catch-up.  That was cool.  We tried to watch the masqurade with them, but missed them so just watched the show then went out for some great Italian food.

My other memories of Friday include a really awesome panel on giving a good reading, by Mary Robinette Kowal, who was incredibly helpful and amazingly talented.  While at the panel I almost met Eric James Stone, whom I sort of know from an online writing group.  Almost met, but not quite–he slipped out while I was involved in a planning campaign with fellow mountains panelist Matt Rotundo.  Actually, I tried to offer Eric a notebook at one point during the panel, and I think was labeled ‘weird lady who is too helpful’ for my trouble.

Saturday I started off at the Hadley Rille Books table, talking and signing with fellow contributers to the anthologies. I spent the most time with Frank Wu, who is the proud designer of a really cool raygun, among his other, perhaps better known accomplishments, and also chatting with Richard Chwedyk, a very interesting gentleman whose name I can finally pronounce.  It was also great to see Eric Reynolds again, and hear about upcoming projects on his publishing/editing table.

After signing any copies of Extraterrestrial Ruins still lying around, I pretended to attend panels for a little while, then scooted off for lunch before my panel.  At 2-ish I calmed my nerves and headed for our assigned room.  As it turned out, I needn’t have worried.  The panel went off very well, and my thanks to Matt and Butch, who were both great.  Matt, especially, did a fabulous job as moderator and kept the audience involved without ever letting them take over the panel.  We also got a lot of laughs, which was wonderful.

After the panel we (my hubby, Laura, Katie, me) scooted over to their room so hubby and I could make ourselves ridiculous in our formal wear.  We’ll see if a picture is forthcoming, and post it when it arrives.  The ball was tons of fun, and we learned some new dances.  Cool beans all around.

Sunday we packed up and headed west on our Utah/Graduation adventure.  No, make that capital ‘A’ Adventure.

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  1. Amy Pete


    I feel like you’re talking a different language when I read about all of this stuff, but I am anxiously awaiting pictures from your ball. I especially want to see your husband dressed up as whatever he was. : ) And congrats on the graduation. Well deserved!

  2. Reply

    Laughing. Thanks for the congrats–it’s such a relief to be done! And hopefully pics will be up soon, we didn’t have our camera so I’m waiting for friends to email them. Hopefully the photos will gratify and amuse, but I must warn you that I’m by far the more costumed of the two.

  3. Reply

    Ah, so that was you? You looked vaguely familiar and you knew my name, so I labeled you “someone I must have met at a convention before.” Your hair’s a different color from your photo on the WID forum, isn’t it?

  4. Reply

    Hurray for awesome conferences! I love checking your blog to see what you’re up to, though I’m usually a lurker, I confess. I never know what to say! But, I’m tagging you on my blog, so I wanted to let you know. 🙂

  5. Reply

    Eric, yeah, the blonde highlights in the hair was something I tried after *cough* discovering my first silver hair. I really should pull that picture down…

    Glad you didn’t take me for a freak–the new image must be working. 😉


    Thanks for the tag! And feel free to lurk…it’s the closest most of us will ever come to being a bonafide Ninja. Lurk away!

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