Stopping mid story to examine the direction of a plot strikes me as a bold and possibly foolish thing to do–at least on the gut level.
“Why would you stop now?” my instincts ask. “You’re on a roll–keep writing as long as you can come up with words to put down.”
But my reasonable, rational brain has an answer to that.
“Being ‘on a roll’ can be translated as ‘snow-balling out of control’, which snowball being the wip, and we all know how snowballs can splat!”
So, now you all know that I’m listening to the voices in my head. But at least they’re having a reasonable conversation! I’ve also gone back over my outline, and the five chapters written, and adjusted the outline to accomodate the new material that I’ve introduced as my hyper-creative brain tried to spice things up. Today I wrote it all out on thirty index cards, chapter-by-chapter and one card for each of the major plotlines, to make sure it all dovetailed where it was supposed to.
This has taken one of my Monday writing sessions, both of Tuesday’s, and Wednesday morning (not to mention lots of stolen time in between) but I’m pleased with the results. It’ll be great to put the ball back into play this evening and enjoy writing again. Now if only I can keep myself from wandering off the outline!