I have once again landed a story sell with Every Day Fiction. This time it’s A Star’s Seduction, my flash story about a young woodsy witch who finds herself temporarily enamored with out-of-this-world power.
The date of publication is yet to be anounced, but the EDF crowd have my thanks for this acceptance. I’d just about decided to trunk Star’s Seduction, since I was tired of re-formating it and hunting up places I could submit it, so I’m especially grateful for their timely rescue!
The point at which I’m ready to throw in the towel on certain stories seems also the point at which, if I’m just patient a little longer, said story is most likely to sell.
Perhaps I should threaten my stories with trunking a bit sooner, in future?
And here is this weeks word-o-meter. I’ve only finished about half the word goal I have for each week, but I suspect the time spent plotting will prove a better investment, in the long run, than plunging on without it. Hopefully over the next week or so I can make up the difference. If not, I’ll have to adjust the little notation I have written on the calender at the end of each week, which shows which chapter(s) I should have finished that week. And we all know something penciled on the calender simply can’t be changed!
Greg Finnegan