Underwater Torch

This is the latest addition to our reef tank.  Though, of course, the picture doesn’t do it justice.  It’s an absolutely stunning teal green torch coral, which we’ve decided to call the Tumtum tree. 😉 In the bottom left-hand corner you can also see a purple mushroom we transplanted a few weeks back.  The mushroom’s been interesting because it

Deep Breath

With the back-to-back trips coming up, I’ve had to remind myself to breath.  At times like this, a few stolen minutes outdoors go a long way toward restoring sanity, so we dodged over to Jordan Lake the other evening. This was the king-daddy toad, one of many to hop across our path. And this is

Hammers, Plotting, and Bruised Fingers

No, I haven’t been doing construction.  Or at least, not in metal and wood. I have been working on the plot for my Keela novel, the rules for my magic system and the construction of my world.  Though on a global scale, that last bit was the easiest ’cause I’ve been writing stories in this world

The Ongoing Saga of the Saltwater Tank

Back in December (2007) when we got our tank I didn’t blog about it ’cause the tank was more for my husband.  Besides, it was just before Christmas and I was overwhelmed with school, etc.

Then I fell in love with the tank, and discovered it was for me, too.  My favorite date is to the fish store, and I’d rather study or write with the sound of the circulating water in my ear than anywhere else.  Saltwater fish are actually interesting, and unique, unlike most freshwater fish I’ve seen.  But it seemed a bit late to start blogging about it.

A few months passed, and our first (and only) fish disappeared.  A mysterious clicking sound resounded from our rocks.  Our hermit crabs started showing punctures in their shells, and little puffs of sand would appear out of the rocks, accompanied by more clicking.

We had a Mantis Shrimp.


Only instead of being bright and colorful and wanted, our Mantis Shrimp was drab and grey and unwanted.  It was a murderous fish-eating hitchhiker that would prove truly obdurate to get out of our tank.